Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pics of Anthony

Here is Anthony, the other side of the younger pair. He is also 3 {duh!} and is technically older than Jamie by two minutes. I'm sure once he knows what that means, he will figure out how to use it to his advantage!

Here is his picture from our Lagoon trip...just in case he got lost. {See the post Pics of Jamie}

Just being cute in my office...my poor, neglected office.

My sister, Krista, took this one with her awesome camera. {Insert jealous overtone}

More amazing pictures by Funny Face Photography.

He's my little thumb sucker. I'm pretty sure he was sucking his thumb in the womb. I figure he'll quit before he heads off to college so I'm not too worried about it. Luckily I've only had one out of five be a thumb sucker. My mom ended up with FOUR out of five!

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